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8756 graczy oraz 11162 kont gra u nas na serwerze!
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Witamy nowych graczy oraz Mrdruid (40 lvl).

Zbanowani - Lista zbanowanych graczy.

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ]

[2019-12-26 00:44] Vinox -> Zabuujca was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-12-25 23:46] Serwer -> Fatamorgana was banished because of Przekroczenie limitu zabijania graczy.

[2019-12-24 12:05] Vinox -> Kosiarz was banished because of Pisanie nie na Temat na kanalach.

[2019-12-24 11:38] Vinox -> Boyka Ms was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-12-19 01:50] Serwer -> Katownik was banished because of Przekroczenie limitu zabijania graczy.

[2019-12-18 20:43] Vinox -> Spejson was banished because of Obrazliwe wyrazanie sie.

[2019-12-16 03:27] Serwer -> Katownik was banished because of Przekroczenie limitu zabijania graczy.

[2019-12-15 19:56] Vinox -> Andrzej was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-12-14 20:17] Vinox -> Pinki was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-12-13 19:14] Vinox -> Siemens Konfident was banished because of Ofensywne name.

[2019-12-13 19:10] Vinox -> Siemens Sprzedawczyk was banished because of Ofensywne name.

[2019-12-10 19:31] Serwer -> Psyhol was banished because of Przekroczenie limitu zabijania graczy.

[2019-12-09 15:44] Vinox -> Twistu was banished because of Reklama niezwiazana z serwerem. Also he get IP Ban for one day.

[2019-12-08 13:47] Serwer -> Knaga was banished because of Przekroczenie limitu zabijania graczy.

[2019-12-08 09:59] Vinox -> Gerav was banished because of Reklama niezwiazana z serwerem. Also he get IP Ban for one day.

[2019-12-07 21:17] Pluszak -> Bajekor was banished because of Hakowanie innych postaci.

[2019-12-06 21:25] Vinox -> The Pain was banished because of Obrazanie Obslugi OTS'a. Also he get IP Ban for one day.

[2019-12-06 14:06] Vinox -> Bright Black was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-12-06 14:00] Vinox -> Danek was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-12-06 13:59] Vinox -> Tracer Of Red was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-12-06 13:59] Vinox -> Adrianek was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-12-03 16:22] Serwer -> Knaga was banished because of Przekroczenie limitu zabijania graczy.

[2019-12-01 23:45] Pluszak -> Eldimon was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie. Also he get IP Ban for one day.

[2019-11-30 10:46] Vinox -> Skobel was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-11-29 22:30] Vinox -> Kurier Dhl was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-11-29 22:29] Vinox -> Czesuaf was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-11-29 21:53] Vinox -> Marcin was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-11-29 19:07] Vinox -> Pioter was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-11-27 22:49] Vinox -> Kurier Ups was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-11-27 22:48] Vinox -> Czesiek Sianokosy was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-11-27 22:45] Vinox -> Czesuaf was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.

[2019-11-27 16:50] Vice Prezes -> Video Soft was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.

[2019-11-22 21:50] Vice Prezes -> Nestorek was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.

[2019-11-19 20:47] Pluszak -> Atnoox was banished because of Handel/Wymiana Postaciami.

[2019-11-19 16:22] Vice Prezes -> Nestor was banished because of Obrazliwe wyrazanie sie.

[2019-11-18 21:22] Vinox -> Przegryw was banished because of Reklama niezwiazana z serwerem. Also he get IP Ban for one day.

[2019-11-17 20:26] Vinox -> Jestem Zwyciezca was banished because of Reklama niezwiazana z serwerem. Also he get IP Ban for one day.

[2019-11-12 16:00] Vice Prezes -> Test Tutorek was banished because of Podszywanie sie pod Ekipe Serwera.

[2019-11-12 12:47] Vice Prezes -> Noxis was banished because of Obrazanie Obslugi OTS'a. Also he get IP Ban for one day.

[2019-11-11 13:12] Vinox -> The Pain Rookstayer was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.

[2019-11-11 13:11] Vinox -> The Pain was banished because of Obrazanie Obslugi OTS'a.

[2019-11-11 13:09] Vinox -> Intruz was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.

[2019-11-11 13:04] Vinox -> Lewy Krul was banished because of Obrazliwe wyrazanie sie.

[2019-11-08 19:43] Vinox -> Banneq was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.


Client Mazurski OTS


1x namelock
200 mc


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