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Witamy nowych graczy oraz Mrdruid (40 lvl).
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[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ]
[2023-04-19 21:26] Vinox -> Hisa was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-04-19 21:13] Vinox -> Husa was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-04-19 21:01] Vinox -> Husarz was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-04-07 09:53] Velox -> Dogod was banished because of Nick nawiazuje do znanej osoby.
[2023-04-06 21:56] Vinox -> Neyar was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-04-06 21:46] Sir Showtek -> Dresik was banished because of Utrudnianie i przeszkadzanie innym graczom dostepu na mapie.
[2023-04-04 21:25] Vinox -> Dzefrej was banished because of Wykorzystywanie bledow serwera.
[2023-04-04 13:33] Vinox -> Yuri Beckhan was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-04-04 13:24] Vinox -> Yuri Beckhon was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-04-04 12:31] Vinox -> Yuri Beckhan was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-04-04 12:20] Vinox -> Yuri Beckhon was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-04-01 20:03] Sir Showtek -> Ambeppe was banished because of Nick nawiazuje do znanej osoby.
[2023-03-31 20:37] Vinox -> Zulu was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-03-30 20:31] Vinox -> Crevsei was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-03-28 20:31] Vinox -> Bem Ben was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-03-28 20:14] Vinox -> Disco Star was banished because of Obrazliwe wyrazanie sie.
[2023-03-26 22:41] Velox -> Kilimandzaro was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-03-26 20:28] Vinox -> Ojciec Pijo was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-03-26 17:25] Sir Showtek -> Genowefa Aka Orlen was banished because of Bledny format nazwy postaci.
[2023-03-26 17:22] Vinox -> Olawa Opolska Menel was banished because of Bledny format nazwy postaci.
[2023-03-26 17:18] Vinox -> Dawid Orlen Waltner was banished because of Bledny format nazwy postaci.
[2023-03-26 09:52] Vinox -> Amazonka was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow itp.
[2023-03-25 14:51] Velox -> Super Nova was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-03-23 19:30] Vinox -> Imponderabilia was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-03-22 20:36] Vinox -> Spejson was banished because of Niestosowanie sie do polecen Game mastera.
[2023-03-18 20:32] Vinox -> Endzik was banished because of Niestosowanie sie do polecen Game mastera.
[2023-03-17 21:37] Velox -> Mr Agnieszka was banished because of Obrazanie Obslugi OTS'a.
[2023-03-17 20:31] Vinox -> Kongo was banished because of Niestosowanie sie do polecen Game mastera.
[2023-03-14 16:00] Sir Showtek -> Mazur Of Patryk was banished because of Niestosowanie sie do polecen Game mastera.
[2023-03-14 16:00] Sir Showtek -> Dominika was banished because of Niestosowanie sie do polecen Game mastera.
[2023-03-14 10:50] Vice Prezes -> Trutwire was banished because of Obrazanie Obslugi OTS'a.
[2023-03-13 21:15] Vinox -> Kilimandzaro was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-03-13 18:42] Vinox -> Dejjvid was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-03-12 19:09] Vinox -> King Nestor was banished because of Obrazliwe wyrazanie sie.
[2023-03-09 11:21] Serwer -> Chavez Obama was banished because of Przekroczenie limitu zabijania graczy.
[2023-03-08 02:56] Vinox -> Old Chudy was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-03-08 01:55] Vinox -> Old Chudy was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-03-06 20:35] Vinox -> Hubert Dworniok was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-03-03 20:28] Vinox -> Hazardzista was banished because of Pisanie nie na Temat na kanalach.
[2023-02-27 18:54] Vinox -> Wypierdalaj was banished because of Ofensywne name.
[2023-02-27 16:01] Vice Prezes -> Wypierdalaj was banished because of Bledny format nazwy postaci.
[2023-02-26 10:35] Vice Prezes -> Foxik was banished because of Spamowanie.
[2023-02-25 17:08] Sir Showtek -> Warmiaots was banished because of Reklama niezwiazana z serwerem.
[2023-02-25 12:09] Sir Showtek -> Banerek was banished because of Reklamowanie innego OTS.
[2023-02-24 22:26] Vinox -> Protektor was banished because of Obrazanie Obslugi OTS'a. Also he get IP Ban for one day.
[2023-02-24 22:26] Vinox -> Kabib Nurmagomidow was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie. Also he get IP Ban for one day.
[2023-02-24 22:03] Vinox -> Kicia Pogromczyni was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie. Also he get IP Ban for one day.
[2023-02-24 21:19] Vinox -> Nieznane was banished because of Obrazanie Obslugi OTS'a. Also he get IP Ban for one day.
[2023-02-24 21:17] Vinox -> Gojira was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-24 21:16] Vinox -> Natan was banished because of Obrazanie Obslugi OTS'a. Also he get IP Ban for one day.
[2023-02-24 21:10] Vinox -> Haizakox was banished because of Obrazanie Obslugi OTS'a.
[2023-02-24 21:10] Vinox -> King Azbest was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-23 21:12] Serwer -> Sir Squaner was banished because of Przekroczenie limitu zabijania graczy.
[2023-02-23 20:22] Vice Prezes -> Bright King was banished because of Handel pomiedzy innymi serwerami.
[2023-02-22 20:37] Vinox -> Okosorcc was banished because of Spamowanie.
[2023-02-22 20:30] Vinox -> Kulek Master was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-22 18:30] Serwer -> Chavez Obama was banished because of Przekroczenie limitu zabijania graczy.
[2023-02-22 13:13] Vinox -> Papajaak was banished because of Pisanie nie na Temat na kanalach.
[2023-02-21 20:41] Vinox -> Tatus was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-20 21:15] Sir Showtek -> Nalart was banished because of Pisanie nie na Temat na kanalach.
[2023-02-20 20:47] Vinox -> Malarz Rook was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-20 14:55] Vice Prezes -> Paranoid was banished because of Spamowanie.
[2023-02-20 13:03] Vice Prezes -> Paranoid was banished because of Proponowanie zaufania innym osobom.
[2023-02-19 22:52] Vinox -> Rucham Twoj Cukier was banished because of Ofensywne name.
[2023-02-19 19:14] Vinox -> Zbieracz was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie. Also he get IP Ban for one day.
[2023-02-19 19:10] Vinox -> Misja Rook was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie. Also he get IP Ban for one day.
[2023-02-19 19:09] Vinox -> King Azbest was banished because of Obrazliwe wyrazanie sie.
[2023-02-19 19:05] Vinox -> Bio Rp was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-19 18:57] Vinox -> Disco Star was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-19 16:50] Vinox -> Van Damme was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-19 16:31] Vinox -> Psychiatra was banished because of Obrazliwe wyrazanie sie.
[2023-02-19 16:30] Vinox -> California was banished because of Obrazanie Obslugi OTS'a.
[2023-02-17 22:56] Velox -> Hubert Dworniok was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-16 20:27] Vinox -> Siver was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-16 20:27] Vinox -> Silver was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-15 21:56] Vinox -> Lettuce was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-11 11:49] Velox -> Cwiaker rookmaster was banished because of Wykorzystywanie bledow serwera.
[2023-02-11 11:26] Velox -> Xor Rooker was banished because of Wykorzystywanie bledow serwera.
[2023-02-09 22:17] Vinox -> Fiszu was banished because of Okradanie innych postaci pkt 3 regulaminu.
[2023-02-09 14:32] Vice Prezes -> Mr Vexi was banished because of Handel/Wymiana Postaciami.
[2023-02-09 14:31] Vice Prezes -> Plumek was banished because of Handel/Wymiana Postaciami.
[2023-02-09 14:31] Vice Prezes -> Zombi was banished because of Handel/Wymiana Postaciami.
[2023-02-09 14:30] Vice Prezes -> Fury Sorc was banished because of Handel/Wymiana Postaciami. Also he get IP Ban for one day.
[2023-02-05 12:22] Vinox -> Fury Sorc was banished because of Pisanie nie na Temat na kanalach.
[2023-02-04 22:07] Vinox -> Szakal was banished because of Pisanie nie na Temat na kanalach.
[2023-02-04 20:18] Vinox -> Banujek was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-02-04 20:17] Vinox -> Grubas Walaszek was banished because of Uzywanie macro/botow, rainbow bot itp.
[2023-02-04 19:34] Vinox -> King Nestor was banished because of Pisanie nie na Temat na kanalach.
[2023-02-04 19:33] Vinox -> Champion was banished because of Pisanie nie na Temat na kanalach.
[2023-02-04 16:50] Vice Prezes -> Deadline was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-03 13:01] Vinox -> Azog was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-02 20:09] Vinox -> Deadline was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-02 18:56] Velox -> Aesthetic was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-02-02 18:54] Velox -> Kochac By Zabic was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-01-30 20:32] Vinox -> King Nestor was banished because of Pisanie nie na Temat na kanalach.
[2023-01-29 21:59] Velox -> Quintessa was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-01-27 20:31] Vinox -> Endzik was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-01-22 22:55] Sir Showtek -> Zushi was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
[2023-01-21 22:40] Vinox -> Krejzi was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie. Also he get IP Ban for one day.
[2023-01-21 22:31] Vinox -> Robcio was banished because of Destruktywne zachowanie.
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